Transformative Change in Heart

Since the beginning of the brainstorming process, I have said this project was special. Carrying over from last year’s Synergy, and a story of coming together, I wanted to tell a new story. A story of coming into oneself. By exploring the intimate relationship that we all have with change, my goal was to create an approachable environment for you, our audience, to think on the change experienced in your lives, hearts and minds. As college students, change often becomes our constant. We never seem to have a chance to get comfortable and remain where we are, whether it be because of work or housing or friend groups, change is something emanate within our young lives. In creating this year’s promotional video, the personification of this year’s theme, Metanoia, became the ultimate goal. Metanoia, meaning a transformative change in one’s mind or way of thinking, is a word that has resonated with Measure in every aspect of our creative process, so creating a visual interpretation that accurately depicted the way in which we interact with the word, has been nothing short of magical. I hope through this video you not only gain a better understanding of our theme, but also why we chose it. Let Metanoia: Transformative Change in Heart be, not only a reflection of Measure, but of individual change and evolution of the soul.

Welcome to Volume XI. I hope you enjoy, with an open heart.

- Olyvia Young, Jr. Digital Production Director, Measure Magazine








lucid —


the journey —

— of changing

one’s mind —

— heart, self

or —

— way of life.

transformative change in one’s




Turning Our Vision into a Reality…

1. Brainstorming

2. Consulting the Team

3. Logistics

4. The Story

5. Scouting the Location

6. Scouting our Star

7. The Look

8. Hair & Makeup

9. Filming

Behind the Scenes