Fashion’s Retreat From Social Media

The social media detoxification movement in fashion involves a trend in which individuals in the fashion industry decide to take breaks or reduce their usage of social media platforms. This movement has raised multiple concerns worldwide due to the negative effects of excessive social media consumption on mental health and overall well-being.

By: Emily Sabando

The use of social media affects one’s mental health, leading to issues such as anxiety and depression. Designers, stylists, influencers, and models often find themselves in an environment where success is measured by the number of likes, followers, and opinions in the comment section. Social media can create a perception that the words appearing on the screen are accurate, contributing to low self-esteem. Additionally, those involved in the fashion industry feel compelled to take breaks from constant comparisons and negative behaviors they come across on the internet. Fashion professionals recognize the importance of taking breaks from social media to prioritize their mental health. This may involve temporary detox periods where individuals refrain from social media. They may also establish boundaries around usage, such as limiting screen time or using multiple platforms to block negativity. If individuals disconnect from the internet for a while, they have the opportunity to reconnect with themselves. 

In the fast-paced world of fashion, social media's constant evolution can lead to overwhelming situations. Fashion professionals must keep up with trends, as new content is continuously uploaded to multiple platforms. Detox periods offer much-needed intervals from these pressures. Social media has transformed trend development over time, with platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok serving as virtual runways. These platforms showcase designers' latest collections, and influencers' trends, and inspire consumers. Failure to engage with the internet can lead to overwhelming and burned-out situations, potentially jeopardizing careers. This routine can be mentally and emotionally draining, particularly when maintaining relevance in an oversaturated market.


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