An Interview With @crochetbyak

Knitwear takes over Gen Z and your grandma’s closet, and has Anna Kallajian starting a new passion!

By Grace Kirk

What is your name? Introduce yourself to those who don’t know who you are.

Hi! I am Anna! I am a crochet and knitwear designer and I also have a YouTube channel.

When did you start crocheting/ knitting? When did you start your YouTube Channel?

I started my YouTube first. I posted my first video in my senior year of high school. I didn’t post consistently but would make videos when I felt inspired. When we got sent home for the pandemic it was my Freshman year of college. Around April I started posting again on my YouTube. I learned to crochet because we had some yarn lying around the house from my mom who used to crochet in college, and my great-aunt had some hooks. My mom was the one who told me I should pick it up as a hobby during quarantine. I cried the first time I tried to crochet, I just was not getting it but the next day I stumbled my way through it and just stuck with it. I started knitting in the Spring of 2021 so about a year after I learned to crochet. Now I do both and post videos about it on my YouTube.

What is your favorite piece that you have made so far? What was your most difficult project?
My favorite piece that I have made so far is my Oopsie Daisy pattern. It’s a basic purse pattern, with a fun jasmine stitch. I am proud of its design, I think it turned out adorable. My most challenging make was when I decided to crochet my entire outfit to go see Harry Styles in Concert. I used my friend Savannah Price’s Solar Flare pattern for the pants and then made a matching top. It was such a labor of love. I was overheating, the pants were so hot but it was so worth it. I love the feeling of walking into a space and thinking “ no one else has this.” I always prioritize making things that bring me joy so I am proud of everything that I have made.

Do you think that Social Media has helped the growth of crocheting/ knitting among younger generations?
For sure. I think that crocheting and knitting usually make people think of their grandma or maybe an aunt or something. I have always associated it with older generations. The emergence of Gen Z crochet/ knit content creators has made the practice more accessible. When you first start you don’t know what to search for. I had to stumble my way through the internet to begin to learn terms and techniques. Now all you need to do is search “ How to Crochet” in Tik Tok or YouTube and you will get a large amount of content telling you how to get started. The main difference between when I started and now is how much Gen- Z has been able to create a community online. It is such a welcoming space of cool, creative people that enjoy hanging out and crafting together online.

Why do you think that people should learn to crochet or knit?
First of all, there is nothing cooler than getting a compliment and being able to say “ Oh my god thanks I made this”. I am proud to think that I took a piece of string and made it into something so cool and interesting that people enjoy. Another plus is that it is so stress relieving especially as a college student with such a busy schedule. Being able to pick up crocheting or knitting at the end of the day is so relaxing. Just do the movements, zone out, and make something for yourself or someone you love. I have found research on repetitive movements and how they help anxious people. I would say it is important to give yourself something healthy to do that isn’t phone related. When I stare at my phone too long I feel miserable but crocheting always makes me feel at peace.

What is the easiest way to get started in the practice of crocheting or knitting?

If you are anything like me you will jump into the deep end and start the hardest project you can find. Realistically though, you can search “ How to Crochet” on Tik Tok or YouTube. People will break down how to read a pattern, yarn types, hooks, and how to get started. This makes it more accessible and less overwhelming. From that, you can build on that and expand more.

What are your thoughts on people buying crochet from fast fashion brands?

I think that people need to realize that if you are buying something legitimately crochet it can not be made with a machine. Knitwork can be made with a knitting machine but everything you buy with crochet pieces has to be made by hand. If you are buying a crochet top on Amazon for ten dollars, someone had to hand make that. Even some of my friends who are super fast crocheters and do this professionally for work, it takes them about 3 hours to make one top and that is a good time. Three hours at minimum wage is forty-five dollars. If you are getting something for ten dollars you really should stop and think about who is making your garment.

Recently there has been some controversy in the fashion industry of bigger brands ripping off the patterns and ideas of smaller knitwear creators. What are your thoughts on this?
To be honest there is not much that we as creators can do. It is very hard to fact-check that stuff. It becomes frustrating because we as small designers can not afford to sue and take a big brand like Zara to court. Even if you were able to there is a lot of free reign with design stuff in the art world in general. You probably would not win. A lot of the time when this happens the best we can do is have the whole community come together to call them out. There is so much support for artists online. As tough as it is, my best advice would be to stop shopping at places like Shein, Zara, Shop Cider, etc. that have stolen designs and copied them. Yes, it is super cute and cheap, and I understand that it is challenging for college students to shop sustainably. However, if you are able to drop a large amount of money on a massive Shein order, next time take a step back and think “ Where am I putting my money?” I would say thrifting is always fun and you can find unique pieces that not everyone else has. You also can support small designers. It can be more expensive but if you want knitwear you have to realize that it is a luxury. If you are interested in a design, support the designer instead of someone who is ripping them off.

What is the easiest way for people to get started finding/ shopping from these smaller artists?

TikTok has become the easiest way to discover different designers. From there you can follow them on Instagram to find different designs. People will always be posting patterns and showing off what they are making.

Do you have any crochet trend predictions for Summer 2023? Do you think the crochet community will continue to grow?

I hope that the community continues to grow. Crochet is very “in” right now. I hope it sticks around because I think it is really cool. There are always styles that are trending in the community but the trends themself are smaller. I think we will be seeing a lot of crocheted tiny tops for summer because there are so many things you can do with them. My personal favorite is two-piece sets like shorts or skirts with a top either knitted or crocheted. I would love to see more people crocheting bathing suits this summer too. Hats and tote bags are classics so I think we will continue to see a lot of those.

What projects do you have coming up that you are excited about?
I am excited to announce that I am collaborating with M-Porium for my Curated by AK collection which will be available shortly. This will feature a line of hats, bags, and scarves. I am also about to release my

fifth pattern. It is gingham, super cropped, oversized, and cute! In terms of personal projects, I am currently working on two different knit vests. I have been super into knitting recently.

Where can we find you?
You can find me on Instagram @crochetbyak and my Youtube channel is Anna Kallajian.


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